



According to The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners and related regulation of Exit and Entry Administration Department of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, international students, who hold a residence permit for study and intend to engage in off-campus work-study or internship, shall upon the approval of the school, apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Authority of the Public Security Bureau to have such information as the location and duration of the work-study program or internship placement specified in residence permit.



Requirements for international students’ application for off-campus work-study or internship:

1. 在中国境内持有有效学习类居留证件, 且剩余有效居留时间为三个月及以上;

Holding a valid residence permit for study in China with a remaining valid residence period of three months or more;

2. 遵守中国法律法规和校纪校规,无违法犯罪记录;

No violation of Chinese national laws, regulations and the rules of GDUFE with no criminal records

3. 接受学历教育的在校留学生;

International students pursuing bachelor degree or master degree in GDUFE

4. 上一学期成绩合格,且出勤率95%以上;

Passing all exams of last semester with good attendance

5. 原则上实习单位应在学习所在城市;不得同时在两个(含)以上单位从事校外实习活动;

The unit for internship should be in the city of study; internship in two or more units at the same time is not allowed.

6. 实习活动不取得任何报酬(车贴、餐贴除外)

No payment received, except travel and meal allowance.  



Process to Have Off-campus Internship Specified in the Residence Permits

1. 向国际交流与合作处提交以下材料:

Send the following documents to the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation:

1) 护照首页及居留许可复印件

Copies of passport and residence permit

2) 《境外人员临时住宿登记表》

Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitor

3) 《广东财经大学国际学生校外实习申请表》(附件1) 就读院系需签署意见,并盖章。

Application Form for Off-campus Internship for International Students of GDUFE (see attachment 1)

The comments, signatures of the dean or associate deans, and the seal of the school are needed when submitting.

4) 《国际学生校外实习信息表》(附件2)实习单位需签字盖章

Internship Form for International Students (see attachment 2).The comments and signature of off-campus internship units are needed. 

5) 实习单位确认盖章的《国际学生校外实习指导意见书》(附件3)

Guidance for Internship signed by off-campus internship unit (see attachment 3)

6) 实习单位开具的《同意接收外国留学生实习证明》(附件4)

Certificate of Acceptance of International Students Internship issued by off-campus internship unit(see attachment 4)

7) 实习协议或合同 

Internship Contract

8) 企事业单位营业执照或有关登记证明(单位盖章)

Business license with original seal

9) 包含实习内容的教学计划 (如有)

Teaching Plan containing internship or social practice(if this can be provided)

2. 国际交流与合作处对以上材料进行审核(校际交流生需核实交流协议),审核通过后,出具《国际学生校外实习同意函》,并将实习备案信息发送至出入境管理局;

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation shall review the documents above, and issue a Consent Letter on Off-campus Internship for International Students after approval. Then internship record information shall be sent to Guangzhou Exit and Entrance Administration Bureau.

3. 到国际交流与合作处领取《国际学生校外实习同意函》及《国际学生办证申请函》

International students go to the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation to get the Off-campus Consent Letter on Off-campus Internship for International Students issued by GDUFE and Application Letter issued by Guangzhou Exit and Entrance Administration Bureau.

4. 留学生持相关材料至出入境管理局办理居留许可实习加注

International students go to Guangzhou Exit and Entrance Administration Bureau with the following documents:

1) 护照和居留许可原件和复印件

Passport and residence permit (original and copy)


VISA Application Letter

3) 《国际学生校外实习同意函》

Official Letter on Consent of Off-campus Internship for International Students

4) 《同意接收外国留学生实习证明》

Certificate of Acceptance of International Students Internship (attachment 4)

5)  广东省外国人签证数字相片1张及该相片的检测回执

Receipt of China Visa photograph for Foreigners in Guangdong Province and 1 photo

6) 《境外人员临时住宿登记表》Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitor


Foreign students should complete the registration procedures and obtain the corresponding certificate before engaging in off-campus internship activities.



1. 广东财经大学国际学生校外实习申请表.doc2. 国际学生校外实习信息表(单位开具).doc3. 国际学生教学实习单位指导意见书.doc4. (实习单位开具)-同意接收外国留学生实习证明模板.doc

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