
签证办理 About VISA


I. 申请时间 Application


Apply for visa extention at least two weeks before the expiry date of student visa



For international students who now hold a student visa/ Residence permit, please prepare the following documents for visa/residence permit extension 


Valid passport and visa and photocopy 

(2)外国人签证相片 1 张及该相片的《检测回执》 

China Visa Photograph for Foreigners in Guangdong Province and its Receipt 


Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors issued by the local police station in Guangzhou 


Graduation Diploma and Degree Certificate (For those students who studied Chinese courses, please submit Course-completion certificate.) 

(5) 录取通知书 

Admission Letter (freshemen and transferring students )


Visa/Residence Permit Application Form 


Application Letter by Guangdong University of Finance & Economics


Medical Report issued by Guangzhou International Travel Health Center( it's necessary when the current student visa is issued by other cities or provinces)


Other certificates deemed necessary by the Public Security Office 

其中第 5、6、7 项材料由学校准备,其他材料请在现居留许可到期之前两周准备好。 

Our university will prepare Documents 5 、 6 、 7 , please get other documents ready two weeks before your visa/ residence permit expires 

※ 持学习居留许可的转校生,须提供原学校出具的转学证明(出勤 率必须 80%以上)及成绩单(全部考试及格)原件或提供原在华毕业院校所出具的相关毕业证、学位证及成绩单原件。

Those who are currently holding Residence Permit and apply for transferring to our university must submit the original transfer letter with attendance rate no less than 80% and the latest examination transcript with all subjects passed, or any relevant original graduation diploma, degree certification and transcript from previous university. 

2.持旅游、访问、团聚、私人事务等非学习类签证/居留许可的学生, 请准备好以下材料办理学习类型签证/居留许可: 

2. For students who hold other types of visa/residence permit, such as L, F, Q, S visa, you need to get a student visa/ Residence permit. For that, please get the following documents ready: 

(1)本人有效护照及签证的原件和复印件 valid passport and visa and photocopy 

(2)外国人签证相片 1 张及该相片的《检测回执》 China Visa Photograph for Foreigners in Guangdong Province and its Receipt 

(3)在穗有效《外国人住宿登记表》 Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors issued by the local police station in Guangzhou 

(4)毕业证书和学位证书原件(学习语言课程的,请提供结业证明) Graduation Diploma and Degree Certificate (For those students who studied Chinese courses, please submit Course-completion certificate.) 

(5)广州国际旅行保健中心出具的《健康证明》 Medical Report issued by Guangzhou International Travel Health Center. 

(6)录取通知书 Admission Letter 

(7)外国人签证证件申请表 Visa/Residence Permit Application Form 

(8) 拟就读学校出具的证明函件 Application Letter by Guangdong University of Finance & Economics. 

(9) 外国留学人员来华签证申请表 JW 202 

(10) 公安机关认为需要提供的其他证明 other certificates deemed necessary by the Public Security Office 

学校将为大家申请 6、7、8、9 项材料,其中 JW202 表为学习类签 证邀请函,办理该表大约需要 45 天到 2 个月的时间。其他材料请在现居留许可到期之前两周准备好。 

Our university will prepare Documents 6、7、8、9. JW202 (Document 9) which means student visa invitation takes about 45 days to 2 months to get ready. Please get other documents ready two weeks before your visa/ residence permit expires. 

3. 目前不在中国的学生,请密切关注中国驻你们国家的使领馆的官方网站。如果政策允许入境,会帮大家办理用于申请 X 签证的202 表,但不接受持我校学生持非学习类签证入境。

 For those students who are not in China now, please pay special attention to the official website of China Embassy in your country. If Chinese policy allows you to enter China, the university will apply for Form 202 which is for you to get X Visa.

4. 持学习签证从国外入境的学生,请在抵达中国后2周之内准备好以下材料办理学习类型签证/居留许可:

For international students who is not in China now and will come to China with X visa, please prepare the following documents for visa/residence permit extention within 2 two weeks after arrival at China:


valid passport and visa and photocopy


China Visa Photograph for foreigners in Guangdong Provinec and its receipt 


Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors issued by the local police station in Guangzhou


JW202(the yellow one)


Medical Report issued by Guangzhou International Travel Health Center


Admission Letter


Visa/Residence Permit Application Form

(8) 学校出具的证明函件

Application Letter by Guangdong University of Finance& Economics


Other certificates deemed necessary by the Public Security Office

Our university will get Documents NO.4、7、8 ready for you. Please get other documents ready in two weeks after your arrival in China.

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