
Registration procedures for freshmen 新生注册报道指南


STEP 1 : 到国际交流与合作处提交202表、录取通知书、4张证件照片、申请材材料原件以供现场核验

Submit JW202 form, admission letters, 4 visa photos, and application materials for on-site verification in Office of International Exchange and Cooperatio(Office of IEC). (Location: Room 319, Tongde building (new administrative buidling), check the campus map )

STEP 2 : 领取入学须知并签署《广东财经大学留学生守则 》和《关于来华留学生本科生考勤的说明》《关于来华留学生研究生考勤的说明》

Collect student manual and sign the International Student Codes of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics and Statement of  Attendance for International Undergraduate Students and Postgraduate Students (Locate the red box marked 1 in the school map below)

STEP 3 : 去财务处学费科缴纳学费、住宿费(若申请校内住宿)

Pay tuition fee and accommodation fee (if you apply for on-campus accommodation) ( location: 4th floor, Section of fees, Office of Finance, old administration building, contact: Mr Xie Zhuoli),and buy Comprehensive Insurance for Foreigners Staying in China

STEP 4 : 开通学生账号,绑定手机号和邮箱(gmail不可用)

Activate student account,bind Chinese phone number and email address(Please get a new email address for this if yours is a gmail as gmail doesn't work in activation of your student account.)

STEP 5: 提交住宿申请表,办理宿舍入住(28栋学生宿舍) 。校外住宿的,需提交校外住宿申请,签订《校外住宿协议》, 提供合法校外住宿证明,未经学校批准,不得在校外居住。

Submit on-campus accommodation application form, and check in student dormitory(No.28 building Student Dormitory). If you live off-campus, you have to apply to the Office of IEC and sign the agreement of off-campus accommodation if you want to live off-campus and submit a legal certificate of housing off-campus. Without permission, you’re not allowed to live off-campus.

STEP 6: 加入学院微信群,向学院领取课表和考勤表

Join the School WeChat group and collect the class schedule and attendance sheet from the contact person of the School your program is provided.

STEP 7: 加入国际交流与合作处国际学生微信群,关注后续通知,到国际交流合作处(同德楼319)领取学习类居留许可办证材料。

Join Office of IEC’s wechat group for all international students, and keep an eye on the follow-up notice about study residence permit materials. Collect documents  (location:Room 319, Tongde Building.)

STEP 8: 现场报到完成

Your registration has been successfully done.

You need to prepare in advance:


1)An email address which is available for instant verification for activation of your student account. Gmail doesn’t work here. Please sign up for another one if you only have gmail address.

2)A Chinese SIM card. Make sure you have a valid Chinese number before you come to do registration.

3)Open a bank account in China. Bank of China is preferred. 

4)Go to the photo studio and take new photos with a photo receipt. The photo receipt is for your study residence permit.

5)Go for a medical exam. The medical examination result needs to be submitted within one month to make your visa.

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